Mini-exhibition, major achievements: UOI and Music in Grade 4

UOI in Grade 4

Students in Grade 4 have been learning about Sharing the Planet, through Mini-Exhibition. They have been researching topics and problems of interest, working in groups to take action in solving conflict to live peacefully.

This has afforded students the opportunity to develop ownership, voice and agency as they prepare their action projects. Mini-exhibition is a guided introduction to the official PYP Exhibition at the end of Grade 5.

Project topics ranged from environmental issues, current world affairs, and the impact of technology in society.

“I have enjoyed watching the children explore their interests and passions, and finding ways to share this with others. They have strengthened their ATL skills through this process, particularly their research and self-management skills, which will stand them in good stead for grade 5,” said Ms Thomas, Grade 4A teacher. 

“I can’t wait to see the students’ final action products and for them to share these with the wider school community during their showcase event on June 2nd.”

“The students have really shown great interest and enthusiasm in their topics of interest. I am impressed with their collaboration, team-work and creativity that they have been displaying in the last few weeks,” said Ms Benedetto, Grade 4B teacher. 

“I am very excited to see their final action product,” Ms. Benedetto added.

Parents of Grade 4 students can view the final project reflections through Seesaw. 

Music in Grade 4

Grade 4 students created an original Blues song as part of their recent inquiry unit, “Where We Are In Place And Time.” 

Throughout this unit, students learned that music can be a tool to express personal challenges as well as social issues. As part of their inquiry, they explored the typical AAB structure of a 12 bar blues and simple chord progressions on ukuleles and xylophones to accompany the blues.

Furthermore,  Grade 4 students wrote lyrics to express  personal experience of migrating, or moving to a new country in order to start a new life. Students built their musical skills by learning various instruments, by singing both as soloists and in a group as well as composing song lyrics. 

In addition, students have started working on their action parts for their Mini-exhibition in Music. Some students decided to create original tracks and theme songs, using composition tools such as the note writing program Noteflight or GarageBand.

Students will independently carry out their music projects, using skills and understandings acquired in music throughout this school year.